Minutes of Honington Parish Meeting AGM on 9th June 2021, held at Honington Grange at 7:00pm.

Present: Mrs. R. Ambrose (RA) (Chairperson); Mr. B. Hope (BH) (Clerk); Mr. T. Carter (TC); Mrs. S. Hope (SH); Dr. C. Paske (CP); Mr. M. Paske (MP); Mrs. P. Swift (PS); Mr. G. Watkin (GW).

Apologies for Absence: Mr. D. Applewhite; Mrs. M. Applewhite; Mrs. J. Gardiner; Mrs. J. Harris; Mrs. K Holley; Mrs. N Carter; Mrs. D. Parker.

Mrs. Ambrose welcomed everyone to the meeting at a continuing difficult time with the pandemic in spite of easing of restrictions.


1: Minutes of Last Meeting held 31st August 2020

1.1: These were available for all attendees and were accepted as a true record of the Meeting and signed by The Chairperson (RA)

2: Matter arising

2.1: BH advised the meeting that after contact with Mr. D Applewhite, it was   confirmed that the overhead wire on ‘Doctor’s Hill’ had been replaced.

2.2 There were no other matters arising.

3: Financial Report

3.1: Mrs. Ambrose advised the meeting that although the Village had no funds, it was still necessary to submit an AGAR Form (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) to the official Auditors, PKF Littlejohn, to declare that the Parish Meeting had had no revenues, no expenses and no funds during the past year. The form had now been completed and subject to approval of the meeting, it would be submitted. This was unanimously approved. A copy of the form will be posted on the Village Notice Board.                     (Action: RA/BH)

4: Consideration of Future Financial Status

4.1: In respect of the possibility of generating funds, Mr. Paske pointed out that it would need very careful control and monitoring and in the past was considered not worth the effort. Whilst this was accepted, it was further agreed that it might be some time anyway before this possibility was reached, when regular events could take place. In the meantime, any events would simply be self-funding with no profits generated.

5: Activities to consider for 2021/2022

5.1: Mrs. D. Parker has volunteered to host a Quiz Night at Honington Grange, with a small charge to cover food, but participants to bring their own drink. GW suggested it might be easier if those taking part brought food for sharing to remove the need for any charging. RA/BH will contact Mrs. Parker to proceed with the arrangements.                                                               Action: RA/BH

5.2: BH said he and SH would be happy to arrange a car event based on the traditional Treasure Hunt lines, although until it was clear how much restrictions would be eased in the near future, the fine detail of venues and eating would be determined at the time. BH pointed out that the event would be restricted by law to 12 cars.

5.3: MP recalled some discussion on a Village Walk perhaps organised by Mrs. Holley. This will be pursued to determine options.                           Action: RA

5.4: Whilst not a group activity, Mrs. Holley had also wanted to organise some contributions from Villagers to record the social history of Honington. This was thought to be a useful idea and again, RA will discuss with Mrs. Holley. RA also pointed out that she had photographed all of the pages of the original Minute Book and they were all available to view on the Village website under Honington History.  They gave interesting insights to issues around both World Wars. MP referred to a recent email received from the Vicar concerning a ‘Bob Brownlow’ which involved quite a number of references to Honington. TC referred to fond recordings of his Uncle, so a possibility of recordings of Villagers’ memories was something that could perhaps be included in the research.                                                                                                                                      Action: RA to discuss with Mrs. Holley

5.5 RA asked that if anyone at the meeting or others who might read these Minutes had any ideas for something to arrange, then they should contact herself or BH.

6: Coronavirus actions

6.1: BH advised the meeting that whilst the pandemic was still an issue of great concern, there had been a significant easing of correspondence from various bodies such as South Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council. BH also pointed out that whilst there are still people who volunteered their services (Mrs. R. Ambrose, Mr. T. Carter, Mrs. K. Holley, Mrs. K.Coleman, Mrs. P. Swift, Mrs. D. Parker and Mr. C. Hainstock) they had not been officially called on, showing some resilience of people in the Village. Nevertheless, there were some residents who acted simply as good neighbours.

7: Village Website

7.1: The Village Webmaster, Mr. T. Carter advised that after several teething problems the new Village Website was up and running. Whilst there are still some shortcomings, such as the inability to look for events further ahead than the current month on the Calendar, it was able to provide good information for people. The requested ‘hit counter’ to see how much it is used is still awaited and TC will pursue – again.

7.2: TC was particularly happy that the working relationship with BH was ensuring that updated information was regularly posted on the site.

7.3: There were still restrictions regarding videos and pictures, which raised another issue of privacy. TC said it was essential to have permission to post pictures of any individuals and this was noted. BH said it would be straightforward for events such as the Treasure Hunt with known participants who would be asked to sign prior to the event but for events such as the recent Street Party when attendees were those who happened to turn up, it would be better to restrict pictures to only those attending and not the wider community, particularly the Internet.  Action: TC/RA/BH

7.4: MP thought it would be useful to have some regular information or subject that would attract people to regularly visit the website. Whilst this would be good, it was pointed out that as a community of a mere 120 people, there was a limit to how much ‘exciting’ news could be posted.  Nevertheless, something to be kept in mind. It was also pointed out by GW, endorsed by TC that it would be possible to insert village information into the In Touch circular for future events.

7.5: BH said that a previous suggestion had been the publication of a ‘Welcome Pack’ for new residents. This was actually incorporated now into the website and when new residents are known about, BH/SH visit them and take details of the website and the Welcome Pack.

7.6: In closing this item, BH gave grateful thanks to TC for his hard work in developing the website and its maintenance in spite of many teething problems with LCC, seconded by those present.

8: Nominations for Chair and Clerk

8.1: RA and BH indicated their willingness to continue, with RA stating that she hoped the easing of Covid restrictions would mean that we could pursue the ideas offered last year. RA and BH were re-elected unanimously.

9: Any other business

9.1: A question was raised about intentions for Top Row. Whilst the owner, Mr. R. Coney had sent a note to residents close by in September 2018, advising of imminent demolition, only roof tiles had been removed and the building was an eyesore and did not project a good image for the village. In addition, the entrance to the site had been damaged for some considerable time with rubble lying adjacent to the footpath, some in brightly coloured humper containers. BH referred to a recent communication from LCC that they would soon be starting to tour villages in July to select the ‘Best Kept Village’ so this issue as well as other aspects of housekeeping would not help, even if we did not consider the village to be a serious contender at this stage.                   Action: BH to pursue

There being no other business the meeting was closed with date of Next Meeting to be advised later as Covid restrictions became clearer.          

Date of next meeting: To be advised



R. Ambrose, Chairperson, Honington Parish Meeting