Minutes of Honington Parish Meeting AGM on 31st August 2020, held at Honington Grange at 7:00pm.

Present: Mrs. R. Ambrose (Chairperson); Mr. B. Hope (Clerk); Mr. T. Carter; Mrs. N. Carter; Mrs. K. Holley; Mrs. S. Hope; Dr. C. Paske; Mr. M. Paske; Mrs. P. Swift; Mr. G. Watkin.

Apologies for Absence: Mr. J. Lipman; Mr. J. Coleman; Mrs. K. Coleman; Mrs. J. Gardiner; Mrs. S. Smart; Mrs. S. Gent; Mr. C Hainstock; Mrs. D. Parker; Mrs. H. Dyson

Mrs. Ambrose welcomed everyone to the meeting especially at a very difficult time with the Coronavirus pandemic limiting social gatherings.


1: Minutes of Last Meeting held 7th August 2019

1.1: These were available for all attendees and were accepted as a true record of the Meeting

2: Matter arising

2.1: There were no matters arising.

3: Financial Report

3.1: Mrs. Ambrose advised the meeting that in spite of initially being unable to   hold meetings because of the pandemic, it had still been necessary to submit an AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) form to the official Auditors, PKF Littlejohn, to declare that the Parish Meeting had had no revenues, no expenses and no funds during the past year. This had been submitted just before the revised deadline of 1st September and accepted by the Auditors. Copies of the form had been posted on the Village Notice Board, on various posts around the Village and to residents who accepted notifications by email. The Meeting unanimously accepted the document.


4: Coronavirus actions

4.1: Mrs. Ambrose asked if there were any suggestions as to what might be done within the Village especially should there be a second spike of the pandemic. Mr. Paske first of all thanked the Clerk for the work done in keeping the Village informed during this difficult period with appreciation of the injection of humour. In turn, the Clerk expressed appreciation of the Official Volunteers who offered help for anyone needing it in the village, referring to Mrs. Ambrose, Mr. T. Carter, Mrs. K. Holley, Mrs. K.Coleman, Mrs. P. Swift, Mrs. D. Parker and Mr. C. Hainstock. It was remarkable that their services were not called upon reflecting the stoic nature of residents. However, it had been encouraging to note that several members of our Community were in effect doing their good neighbour deeds for those who were unable to go to the shops or for prescriptions.

4.2: It was agreed that a note be posted through each house to ask residents to respond by whatever method they chose, telephone, email to advise if they would like to be contacted at some frequency to check on their well-being or to be kept informed on issues regarding care during the pandemic or even beyond, especially if there were to be a second spike. The Clerk said he would prepare a note to discuss with the Chair and subsequently deliver to all homes. Information could include detail of shops willing to deliver to vulnerable people. Mrs. Ambrose agreed to investigate further the indication that Ancaster Co-op had been able to accept orders by telephone for collection by a Third Party.

                                                                                                Action: R. Ambrose/B. Hope

5: New Website

5.1: The Village Webmaster, Mr. T. Carter gave an overview of progress in establishing a new website as required by Lincolnshire County Council in order to comply with new laws for websites. The site must include an Accessibility and Privacy Notice page and the intention is to copy LCC statements onto the village website rather than develop specific statements for Honington.

5.2: The software has limitations so the current website will need to be adapted to comply with the new site. Once the transfer is completed the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) will be published through the Clerk, the deadline for which is 31st December 2020.

5.3: It was asked if the new website content could be delivered by hard copy to every door to encourage residents to use it. This was thought to be possible with the initial version but would only be done when significant changes were made to content.

5.4: It was suggested that the idea of a Welcome Pack for new residents could be included, showing local amenities and walks in the area. The Clerk agreed to pursue this.

Action: B. Hope

6: Any other business

6.1: Referring back to the previous Minutes concern was again expressed about the overhead wire used as a stock electric fence. It could be heard to crackle quite loudly. The Clerk had approached the Farmer last year who explained it had been in that position for many years but he would investigate its safety. It was thought it presented no danger and the crackling sound was a natural feature of cables carrying electric current, particularly in a damp atmosphere but the Clerk would again ask the Farmer to investigate.

Action: B. Hope

6.2: Mr. Carter said he had a number of plants taken from cuttings he had taken through the year and thought a Village plant swap might be a good idea. This was agreed and the Clerk will issue details in the next Village Update.

There being no other business Mrs. Ambrose closed the meeting thanking everyone for their attendance.


Date of next meeting: To be advised



R. Ambrose, Chairperson, Honington Parish Meeting