Minutes of Honington Parish Meeting EGM on 23rd October 2022, held at Honington Grange at 3:00pm.

Present: Mr. B. Hope (BH) (Acting Chair & Clerk); Mr. R. Coney (RC); Mrs. W. Coney (WC); Mrs. H. Dyson (HD); Mr. U. Heindl (UH); Mrs. K. Holley (KH); Mrs. K. Madden (KM); Mr. S. Madden (SM); Mrs. D. Parker (DP); Ms. M. Parker; Dr. C. Paske (CP); Mr. M. Paske (MP).

Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Mr. T. and Mrs. N. Carter; Mr. A. and Mrs. R. Ambrose; Mr. G. Watkin; Mrs. M. Applewhite; Mrs. S Hope; Mrs. V. Wing

1.  BH welcomed everyone to the meeting with the explanation stating that it was necessary to elect a Chair if the wish of the village was to continue to retain its Parish Meeting status. Failing that, it would be necessary to follow the process of joining with another Parish Council.

2.  RC questioned if that were so, believing that it was possible to exist without being part of a Parish Meeting or Parish Council, so that District and County Council information would still reach everyone. MP suggested that he believed that it was necessary to be part of such a body and a Parish Meeting was the lowest tier in the chain of communication. BH said if it came to that decision, he would discuss full details with the responsible person at SKDC.

3.  WC said that whatever the outcome, it would be good if the village could organise events on its own account, and whilst this was agreed, it was pointed out by MP and BH that such events must be quite separate from Parish Meeting business until and unless it was decided to generate funds and submit formal audited accounts.

4.  BH advised that the main drawback some might see to becoming part of a neighbouring Parish Council would be the added burden of a precept of some £50 - £60 per annum on the Council Tax Bill. In all other respects of receiving communications, they would still be received by the relevant Parish Clerk, who would then issue the information in whatever form was considered appropriate.

5.  Following this discussion, BH asked if there were any volunteers or nominations for the position of Chair to see the Parish Meeting through to the next AGM in or around April 2023. Mrs. D. Parker volunteered and was seconded by Mr. M. Paske. This was further agreed unanimously by all present. DP was therefore elected as Chair for Honington Parish Meeting.

6.  BH advised that he and DP would convene a separate meeting to discuss the appropriate steps and requirements for the role of Chair, in combination with the Clerk.

Any Other Business

  • KH advised that she had books of raffle tickets for the Caythorpe and Ancaster Equipment Trust, something independent of the Surgeries, to enhance the equipment available withing the practice.
  • KM advised that the daffodil bulbs she had ordered from the proceeds of the plant stall at the Platinum Jubilee events had been despatched so would soon be available to plant. Any volunteers should contact BH so KM/BH could organise the planting. There would be 500 bulbs for each entrance to the village.

There being no other business the meeting was closed and BH thanked everyone for attending.


Barrie Hope (Clerk)